What Tools and Equipment Do I Need to Scan QR Codes at My Event and Check Their History?

Sally Wright's picture
Sally Wright Aug 4, 2023
As a Shopify store owner getting ready for your event, you have probably set up the steps needed to create QR codes with the QR Code Generator Hub app
Nevertheless, you may still be asking yourself, “Now what should I do next?”  
After you have properly integrated the QR Code Generator Hub Shopify app and followed the steps we provided, the only thing you have to worry about is your equipment. 
Obviously, you need scanning tools to verify the authenticity of the QR codes presented by event attendees.  
In this blog post, we will look into the tools that you need to prepare for a smooth QR code ticket verification and history monitoring.  

Tools and Equipment for Scanning QR Codes 

You don’t need to bring large computers to verify QR codes. In fact, QR codes are compatible with a lot of mobile devices which makes it convenient.  
Listed below are the two common tools that you will need to ensure a seamless event ticketing process: 

QR Code Scanners 

There are two primary types of QR code scanners—handheld scanners and mobile apps.  
Handheld scanners offer quick and precise scanning but require a separate device.  
On the other hand, mobile apps turn smartphones or tablets into dynamic QR code scanners, providing portability and cost-effectiveness.  
Some popular scanner brands include Scanova, i-nigma, and QR Droid. 

Mobile Devices 

Aside from scanners, you can also use your mobile devices.  
Keep in mind that dynamic QR codes are flexible which makes them compatible for all smartphones, as long as they have a camera.  
All you have to do is install a free QR code scanner app and you are already good to go. 
TIP: Ensure that all scanners, whether handheld or mobile, are fully charged before the event. This prevents any disruption during the ticket scanning process and helps maintain a smooth entry experience. 

Other Uses of QR Code Ticketing 

Aside from events, here are other popular ways to use QR codes for ticketing: 
  • Enhancing Networking Opportunities: Embed QR codes on attendee badges, enabling easy exchange of contact information. Create personalized QR codes for networking purposes, linking to social media profiles or business websites. 
  • Interactive Scavenger Hunts and Games: Integrate QR codes into a scavenger hunt, guiding participants to various locations or activities. Implement QR codes in interactive games, offering clues or rewards when scanned. 
  • Instant Access to Event Information: Place QR codes on event signage, providing quick access to event schedules, maps, and speaker details. Utilize QR codes on promotional materials, linking to event websites with additional information. 
  • Mobile Payments and Cashless Transactions: Generate QR codes for in-event purchases or donations, streamlining cashless transactions. Enable attendees to scan QR codes at vendor booths to make secure and contactless payments. 
  • Post-Event Surveys and Feedback: Use QR codes on exit signs or follow-up emails, encouraging attendees to participate in post-event surveys. Gather valuable feedback on event experiences, catering to attendee preferences for future improvements. 

Tips for a Seamless QR Code Experience 

  1. Optimize QR Code Size and Resolution - Ensure QR codes are large enough for easy scanning, while maintaining sufficient resolution for clarity. Test QR codes in various lighting conditions and distances to guarantee readability. 
  2. Clear Instructions for Attendees - Provide concise and straightforward instructions on how to use QR codes at the event entry points. Include visual cues, such as arrows or footprints, to guide attendees to QR code scanning areas. 
  3. Backup Scanning Solutions - Have backup scanners or alternative entry methods ready in case of technical issues with QR codes. Train staff to manage such situations and assist attendees without causing delays. 
  4. Conduct QR Code Promotion - Generate anticipation by promoting QR code ticketing in pre-event marketing materials. Offer exclusive perks, discounts, or early access to encourage attendees to embrace QR codes. 
  5. Monitor Real-time Analytics - Regularly monitor the "QR Code Scan History" data during the event to analyze entry flow and trends. Use insights to adjust event logistics and address any bottlenecks promptly. 


Implementing a QR code ticketing system for your events can transform the way you manage admissions and track attendance.
By investing in the right tools and equipment, you can streamline the ticket scanning process and provide attendees with a seamless entry experience. 

These are everything you need to know about the tools you need to scan QR codes for events.  

If you want to learn more about QR codes for tickets, feel free to watch this video or visit our Academy
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Written by

Sally Wright